1031 Exchange May Be a Good Tax Deferment Strategy For You
1031 Exchange “like-kind” replacement property may be a good tax deferment strategy for you. American 1031 offers institutional-class assets with the ability to diversify into multiple properties nationwide. Properties that deliver projected monthly cash flow, and require no hands-on management.

My commercial property is selling, now what?
Begin planning now. Talk to American 1031, your accountant, attorney, broker, lender and Qualified Intermediary to get input on the best strategy for you to defer capital gains tax and possibly investing in a DST.
Only 45 Days to Identify Like-kind Property for a 1031 Exchange
If you do not identify a “like-kind” replacement property within 45 days of your property selling period or failure to acquire replacement property within the 180 day exchange period will disqualify the entire exchange. This will result in full taxation on the sale of your property.
In order to qualify for complete tax deferral on capital gains, a seller must:
- Purchase a qualifying like-kind replacement property.
- Use all proceeds from the sold property to purchase the replacement property.
- Make sure the debt on the replacement property is equal to or greater than the debt on the relinquished property. *